
education has never been so busy

education has never been so busy

  Heart patients, especially those with chronic heart failure, or cardiac function that has not yet recovered, must strictly control their fluid volume. Fluid quantity too much, beyond the

maximum load of the heart can provide, there will be a tissue edema, acute pulmonary edema and acute left heart failure and other serious consequences, even the place such as early symptoms
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manifested in his body, eyelid edema of different level, the late will have breathing, breath holding, nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea, and cannot lay down. Excessive diuresis (too much urine) can

lead to insufficient blood volume, resulting in low blood pressure, and thus a compensatory heartbeat, causing or aggravating arrhythmia. Therefore, the heart patient must learn to observe and

record the amount of fluid in and out every day, and manage it well. It is divided into the following two parts:

  Control the salt in your body. The chemical composition of salt is sodium chloride, and we need to limit sodium intake, especially for heart disease patients with hypertension. Excessive

sodium intake can significantly increase blood volume, and the sodium of heart failure patients in the body is obvious, discharge difficulties. In general, cardiovascular patients have less

than 2 grams of sodium per day, which is equivalent to 5.1 grams of salt, according to the molecular weight of sodium chloride.

  Keep your body hydrated. When the heart patient comes home from the hospital, he should monitor the amount of fluid and adjust the balance. The balance of access quantity, i.e., the
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total amount of output and the amount of non-dominant water loss in 24 hours is the same as that of 24 hours. The amount of intake includes the amount of water and the water content of the

food, which can be estimated by referring to the attached table; The amount is urine and volume; The non-dominant water loss is the water that passes through the breath and the skin evaporates

every day. The discharge of this water is not felt and controlled. Generally speaking, the daily non-dominant water loss is 800~1000 ml. As for urine, estimation is relatively difficult, at

first but with the help of a container, record after a short period of time, the patient often can more accurately determine their own urine, adherence to estimate and record is good.

  In case of fluid retention (can be simple to understand for excess water is not to go out, and accumulate in the body), must be applied diuretics, generally take speed diapers

(cefuroxime crunching of cornflakes), daily 1 ~ 2 piece (20 to 40 mg), when it is necessary to add with hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone, consult your doctor specific usage. When taking
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diuretic, should take potassium tablet at the same time, prevent the occurrence hypokalemia, cause serious consequence. At the same time, the combination of diuretics and potassium tablets

patients, must regularly visit the hospital to check blood potassium, to guide the follow-up medicine.

タグ :educationbusy

Posted by 小呆 at 13:03
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